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  • katelynnesser


I love rain. I just really really REALLY love the rain.

it just crashes over you, hits you in the face, and all you can do is stand there and let it soak your clothes and your skin and drip from your hair.

it's so refreshing and rejuvenating and wonderful.

today is one of those days I just want it to pour.

I've been waiting for the clouds to break loose, they've only been taunting me for the past 27 hours. but to no avail... the clouds are just swept away by the wind and new gray clouds take their places.

sidenote: I also really really love the wind. the cool air captures my attention when it crashes over me in authentic gusts that bring freedom to my soul while I blink the tears from my eyes and drink up the fresh air with outstretched arms. I want to run away with the wind, running as far as the earth stretches on.

anyways... you know that smell I'm talking about? the smell of the earth when it rains? yeah. I love that.

I love how rain just determines your whole day. maybe you sleep in a little bit longer, or maybe you brew an extra strong pot of coffee. but as you step out the door, you can either run to your car with your head under your hood, orrr you can dance through the sparkling drops and jump into the puddles squealing like a young child. the choice is all yours.

my personal preference is running outside in the morning, barefoot, with your face to the sky, laughing as you spin around in circles as the rain tickles your cheeks. I think our Father in heaven looks down and smiles when he sees us living our lives with such vigor and radiant love for his creation.

this feeling of freedom resounds within me, the freedom from the wind and the rain that come from the God of the universe

through joy--through love--through grace

as a child of God, I am free

free to share joy, love, and grace

to the ends of the earth

while running with the wind

and dancing through the rain

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