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  • katelynnesser


have you ever felt like a place wasn't real or didn't exist beyond your imagination?

that's how I've felt about utah for as long as I can remember. I'd heard of the great salt lake, but I'd grown up in minnesota, what's another lake supposed to mean to me? I mean really, so what? it's got salt in it like the ocean... cool?

then I met someone who grew up in salt lake city, and I was very intrigued, thinking wow real people actually live there. I'd never met one before, do the others ever leave utah?

this strange land seemed to be on the other side of the world, nothing significant enough for me to ever want to visit what seemed to be a desert with a salty lake.

then I saw pictures of mountains, arches, and salt flats in utah. boy did that change my perspective. when can I explore this strange land?? and that turned out to be much sooner than I expected!

3.7.17 and I'm sleeping on the floor in my friends dorm room in, you guessed it, salt lake city, utah.

what a place. new places bring life to my soul, reminding me of all the beauty God has put in this world for us to discover.

what may seem unspectacular at one point in your life can become monumental in the next.

you open a new chapter every moment of every day. don't try to change your previous chapters-they are part of your story. live in the moment, and live life to the fullest. because Jesus is worth it.

I am so blessed with adventurous, authentic, loving friends who want to take in all a life lived for God has to offer and explore the big beautiful world with me. little shout out to all who have made my life a little more entertaining, and a lot more beautiful. thank you.

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