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  • katelynnesser

take a back road

driving around, getting lost on the back roads, cruising with the windows down, your hand hangin out in the wind... music up, stars are out, screaming as your voice disappears with the wind. all you can do is throw your head back and laugh as you think of the beautiful life you've been given to live.

new friends next to you, singing along, hair blowing in sporadic circles. one look at each other and all you can do is smile and thank God for being in this moment as your beautiful self with these beautiful souls.

I've never felt more beautiful than when my hair is in a tangled mess, screaming the lyrics of my favorite song at the top of my lungs, while sharing the cool air blowing crazily around me and my best friends under a sky full of stars.

when I look up at the stars, all I can express is admiration. admiration for such a beautiful God with a beautiful purpose and a beautiful heart. a heart filled so full with unrelenting, inconceivable, passionate love.

this love leaves me awestruck.

the God of the universe - is after your heart. he will make you new and beautiful. he thinks even your flaws, mistakes, failures, and imperfections are beautiful. because he looks at his son and sees you through the eyes of a gracious, loving sacrifice that is desperate for your heart.

"my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

his glory shines through our weaknesses, our frailty, and our shortcomings. let it. he created each of us uniquely and he doesn't make mistakes.

let your heart fall into the arms of the One who created it all. when you pull over on the side of the road, admire the night sky, and have deep talks while lying in the tickly grass, let your soul praise the one who loves you unconditionally. he thinks the life you're living is beautiful when you love the life he's given you.

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